Do you provide assistance to a relative or a loved one in their home? Did you know you could be getting paid for those services? Lucky's Home Care is an In-Home Care provider that will employ you for something you are doing already!
If you are asking the ones that you take care of to pay you some sort of stipend for gas and time, that could all end. You can be paid hourly for those services instead! Think of the smiles at this holiday season and beyond that you can put on their face. If you or anyone you know is in this predicament, give us a call at-(724)-378-7364.
We make it easy to join the team of Lucky’s Home Care. We have incentives such as: weekly pay, paid sick leave,401K plan and flexible hours. To apply go to our website-luckyshomecare.com and either click the “Instructions” button first or the “Apply” button.