Is it time to have “The Talk” with your parents/loved ones? Have you noticed a gradual decline in their mobility? Have you considered placing them in a costly care facility? He is somewhat lucid during the day but sundowns as the day progresses. He loves his surroundings and it would be heartbreaking for him to have to leave.
Have you heard the horror stories of the kind of “care” that is given in a home? It can be impersonal and cold and not the best place for someone you love. A person having to leave their familiar surroundings can not be the best choice.
That is where Lucky’s Home Care comes in to the rescue. The solution is to hiring one of our trained caregivers from Lucky’s. We are approved by the Pennsylvania Depatment of Health and regulated by the state. Plus, our cost is free and we are paid through our clients insurance.
Give us a call today 724-378-7634 and keep grandpa at home.