As free thinking people sometimes we go through life regretting the things we have done or said, but you will never regret being kind. Plus it is easier to apply kindness to someone then being mean or spiteful. Some ways are; letting someone cut in while in traffic, opening doors for people, smiling at someone that looks down, or letting someone be where they are or forgiving them. It comes down to treating people as we want to be treated. Also, it is one of His laws to “love one another” and “love your neighbor as yourself.”
Imagine a world where each person made it a mission in their day, to do an act of kindness. Not only would it foster a sense of well-being for that person but also make the giver feel good. Like the feeling of joy you get at Christmas when you give the perfect present to someone and see the happiness in their eyes.
At Lucky’s Home Care, we emphasize the word “care” and train our staff to treat our clients with kindness.
Kindness is also remembered when we go Home. People don’t talk about how rich or poor a person was. They speak on the type of person they were, the content on their character and how they treated people. So, in the end being kind is all that really matters in life.